Online Shopping

 Shopping online is as easy as, well

clicking on a link or sending some emails.
Before you know, it the money is out of your account and the parcel arrives.
Most deals are great, but some
aren't real.
That's because criminals take advantage
of how trusting we are.
When you're buying something through an online shop or auction site,
if it's from someone you don't know they can steal your money!
First they know what people are looking for - a great deal on a smart phone, car, designer goods... anything you can think of.
But sometimes the thing you want, doesn't actually exist.
Sure there's a picture, description, and a good price, but it's not real.
They'll just take your money, and never send you anything.
They'll use excuses to convince you to pay by direct bank transfer, rather than using any secure payment service.
This is especially true if the site doesn't offer payment options.
They may make excuses not to meet in person, ask for payment before delivery or even offer a further discount.
So you transfer the money directly to their bank account...
Then you sit and wait... and wait...
But nothing comes.
The price did the trick.  You fell for it
you paid by direct transfer, and the criminal got your cash.
Always use the recommended payment services.
Either the sites own, or through a reputable secure payment service.
Never a direct bank transfer.
When you use a secure payment
service, always check their terms and conditions.
Or use a credit card for extra protection.
You can use cash in person but make sure you get the item, and receipt before you part with your money.
If the seller sends you an email that's got a link to pay with don't click it.
Instead, use your usual app or website. That way your payment should be more protected.
And never pay for large items like cars, without seeing them first and checking the documentation.
If not using cash, check your payment service protects the transaction.
It's the safer way to shop online to your heart's content!
